Thursday, September 9, 2010

"I gets my bracelets off Mondy!"

So, I have this thing about grammar. I generally prefer to be as grammatically correct as possible. It's kind of like a desire to express myself intelligently and properly.

And yet, as much as the typical, ignorant misspellings and butcherings of the English language disturb and peeve me, I thoroughly enjoy one thing that totally contradicts my strong desires in this category: LOLCats.

Why is this so amusing and appealing to me? Only God knows.

But I thank God for one particular friend that allows me to speak this way with them. Hahaha... It's like a language that we use and there are no questions or indignations about it. We simply talk to our heart's content in the very ignorant manner that I so adamantly oppose.

Maybe you could help me understand this contradiction. Lol.

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